The new player's November 13th launch will also see the release of accessories from a slew of manufacturers, including [deep breath]: Agent 18, Altec Lansing Technologies Inc.
The first generation of the player had a few accessories, but the Zune 2 will really hit the ground running.
The Zune, while often derided, had the enviable position of possessing brand-name recognition from the moment the first player launched, thanks to the Microsoft tag it bears.
Other companies, such as SanDisk, have made valiant efforts to roll out accessories for their own players, but no one has managed to come even close to the deluge of items marketed to complement Apple's player.
We could argue all day about exactly how the iPod managed to secure such an enormous marketshare, but one thing seems for sure: It wouldn't have stayed where it was were it not for the ridiculous number of third-party accessories that roll out every minute.
That's a total of 60 new accessories at launch.
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